
Showing posts from 2022

No More Fathers, Only the Child

 I’m intrigued by the archetypal image found in the story of the prodigal son — as deserving love but, in some modern minds, absent the father image (absent the oppressive patriarchal authority and, at a popular level, embracing a reductionist jettisoning of essential predication regarding the masculine or something like that).  The community, loosely defined as: domestic arrangements, receives the child displaying something akin to nurturing acumen (I’m not thinking of Peter Singer styled, animal kingdom only, reductionism at this point).The authority for such an action is derived from a variety of paradoxical premises. Common amidst such premises — youth are not liable in the same way a mature adult is and kinship bonds of various types commit the community to act in ways that contribute to the wellbeing of children. Putting aside both ideas around a child is not liable and is an independent agent paradox together with nurturing acumen as is. What sort of thing warrants unconditional